Keller Williams Intown Atlanta - Michael Williams
Listing Courtesy Of: Allen and Associates Realty, LLC., 770-851-9097, The Allen Team, First MLS
Listing Sold By: Keller Williams Realty Intown ATL
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Midtown
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20 26th Street NW #F4, Atlanta, GA 30309
1 Bed
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20 26th Street NW #F4, Atlanta, GA 30309
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
1 Bed
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Property Description

This Beautiful South Buckhead Condo has been Fully Renovated. Perfect Location. Beautiful courtyards provide a quiet setting for this cute little community located between Buckhead and Midtown The eat in kitchen has brand new cabinets with granite countertops and brand new stainless steel appliances. The Bathroom has tile surround tub/shower combo and pedestal sink. New LVP flooring and interior window shutters though out. Spacious living room and bedroom. Spacious closets. Laundry room that includes washer and dryer. Less than 3yr old HVAC system. Low monthly HOA fee. It is centrally located off of Peachtree St. Convenient to Dining, Shopping, Entertainment, Museums, and the North Beltline Trail. Walk to the Atlanta Beltline Trail/Ardmore Park, Piedmont Hospital, Shepherd Center, SCAD, Starbucks and more. Convenient access to I-75/I-85, MARTA, Atlantic Station, and Georgia Tech. Intown living for an incredible price. Not to be missed!

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Year Built
Days on Site
317 Days
Central Air, Ceiling Fan(s), Central, Electric
1 Parking Space
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Keller Williams Intown Atlanta

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Keller Williams Intown Atlanta

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